IRS Issued Notice 2016-4: Extending the Due Dates for Forms 1094-C and 1095-C for 2015

1094-c and 1095-c

Great news for Applicable Large Employers (ALE) and self-insuring employers, who are required to report under Section 6055 and 6056 of the Internal Revenue Code.  Per the IRS Notice 2016-4, they extended the deadlines for the 2015 Affordable Care Act (ACA) information requirements to complete the 2015 Forms 1094-C and 1095-C.  Coverage providers also have additional time to file and distribute the B series forms for 2015 Calendar Year only.

Under the ACA, Applicable Large Employers must file the 2015 Forms 1094-C and 1095-C with the IRS, and furnish copies of the 1095-Cs to full-time employees (and to covered part-time employees, if the employer’s plan is self-funded).  There are no exceptions to the filing requirement.  Many ALEs have found compliance with this mandate challenging, therefore, we welcome the extension from the IRS to allow employers a couple more months to prepare.


  • Form Distribution to Individuals (Forms 1095-B and 1095-C):
    • Extended from February 1, 2016 to March 31, 0216.
  • IRS Form Filing (1094-B, 1095-B, 1094-C, and 1095-C):
    • Extended from February 29, 2015 to May 31, 0216 (paper filing)
    • Extended from March 31, 2016 to June 30, 2016 (electronic filing)

IMPORTANT NOTE: The extensions for the ACA information reporting requirements apply for calendar year 2015 only and have no effect of the requirements for other years or on the effective dates or application of the ACA “Pay or Play” provisions.  Applicable Large Employers or other coverage providers that do not comply with these extended due dates will be subject to penalties.


2015 Required Forms:

Form 1094-B

Form 1095-B

Form 1094-C

Form 1095-C

2015 Form Instructions:

1094-B Instructions

1095-B Instructions

1094-C Instructions

1095-C Instructions

General Penalty:

HR 1295


6055 IRS Q&A

6056 IRS Q&A

1094-C & 1095-C FAQs


If you would like to further discuss the ACA Employer Reporting Requirements, penalties, and how it affects your company, please contact MNJ Insurance Solutions at (714) 716-4303.


This content is provided for informational purposes only.  While we have attempted to provide current, accurate and clearly expressed information, this information is provided “as is” and MNJ Insurance Solutions makes no representations or warranties regarding its accuracy  and completeness.  The information provided should not be construed as legal or tax advice or as a recommendation of any kind.  External users should seek professional advice form their own attorneys and tax and benefit plan advisers with respect to their individual circumstances and needs.

Pay or Play? Reasons Why “Pay” is NOT the Easy Answer

pay or play pic2


“Pay or Play” Employer Mandate and Penalties (brief summary)

Under the “Shared Responsibility of the Affordable Care Act (“ACA”), beginning January 1, 2015 employers with 100 or more full-time equivalent (“FTE”) working 30 hours or more per week (including the hours of the part-time workers added together to equal full-time equivalent workers) will be required to offer “affordable” health insurance coverage and must meet the minimum value, or they will face a penalty. Beginning January 1, 2016, employers with 50 or more FTE will be required to offer “affordable” health insurance coverage meeting the minimum value to their eligible employees, or they will be required to pay the penalty.

Large employers who do not offer coverage to their FTEs face a penalty of $2,000 time the total number of full-time employees, less the applicable exempt employees specified by law.

In addition, large employers who offer coverage to their full-time employees, but do not make the lowest cost plan “affordable” for the employee only premium or does not provide minimum value will face a penalty of $3,000 times the number of full-time employees receiving tax credits for exchange coverage (not to exceed $2,000 times the total number of full-time employees).  This is merely a brief summary of some of the employer’s penalties under the Shared Responsibility provision of the Affordable Care Act, and does not include all penalties and provisions.


Some Considerations for Employers

Some employers, who currently offer benefits, have considered eliminating the health care coverage altogether and instead paying the penalty on their full-time employees.  However, there are many reasons an employer should carefully consider all of their options before eliminating their group health care coverage.

Listed below are a few highlights for employers to consider in their final decision-making process.  If an employer should eliminate health care, the following would apply:

  1. Lost tax advantages for the Employer and Employee, as employee’s portion of the premiums will no longer be deducted through payroll with pre-taxed dollars with a Section 125 Premium Only Plan.
  2. Employer will pay the penalty for not offering coverage and the penalty is non-deductible, whereas employer-paid premiums are tax deductible as a business expense.
  3. Penalties will increase in subsequent years.
  4. Employer will still have the annual reporting requirements under Section 6056, regardless if they offer coverage or not.  There are additional penalties for non-compliance with the reporting requirements.
  5. Employer may face recruitment and retention challenges if they opt not to offer coverage.
  6. Other financial implications for Employers (i.e. how it may affect their Workers’ Compensation, payroll taxes, corporate bottom line, etc.).
  7. Individuals will have to purchase insurance on their own with AFTER tax dollars, or face an individual tax penalty.
  8. In most cases, employer group plans have a different and more comprehensive list of participating providers, than that of Individual plans.
  9. In most cases, employer group health plans provide a more comprehensive list of covered prescriptions.


As you can see, there are many things an employer needs to consider while evaluating the “Pay or Play” Employer Mandate.  The above-list are some considerations and not limited to such.

If you would like to further discuss the “Pay or Play” employer mandate, penalties, and how it affects your company, please contact MNJ Insurance Solutions at (714) 716-4303.


This content is provided for informational purposes only.  While we have attempted to provide current, accurate and clearly expressed information, this information is provided “as is” and MNJ Insurance Solutions makes no representations or warranties regarding its accuracy  and completeness.  The information provided should not be construed as legal or tax advice or as a recommendation of any kind.  External users should seek professional advice form their own attorneys and tax and benefit plan advisers with respect to their individual circumstances and needs.

The PACE Act and What it Means to California Employers: October 2015

President Obama has signed into law the Protecting Affordable Coverage for Employees (PACE) Act.  On September 28, 2015, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 1624 through voice vote and on October 1, the Senate passed the legislation through unanimous consent.


How Will PACE Act Affect the Affordable Care Act (ACA)?

Small group is currently defined as employers with 2-50 employees.  As of January 1, 2016 under the ACA, the definition of small group was set to expand 1-100 employees.  The PACE Act repeals the mandated small group expansion and it gives the individual states the flexibility to determine the small group market definition, rather than being forced to the national standard.

Several states, including California, have already enacted legislation that expands the small group market definition to 100 employees.  However, for those states that have not taken any action to date regarding the definition of small group, we are awaiting confirmation form the departments of insurance and legislators as to whether the states will accept the new federal standards or if they will take action of their own to expand the small group market definition of up to 100.


How Does PACE Affects the California Employer?

Unless further guidance is issued by California, we are moving forward with the small group expansion for employers with 1-100 employees with new business or renewals beginning January 1, 2016.  For employers who have 51-100 employees, there will be significant changes in their benefits, rating, and administrative process.  The most significant changes will be as follows:

  •  Rates in small group are age-banded, whereas large group premium rates are composite rates.  In age-banded rates, older employees pay a higher premium than younger employees.
  • ACA rates in small group are “member-level” rating (also known as “community rating”), whereas large group premium rates have a family rate for the plan, regardless of number of dependents.  With member-level rating in small group, larger families will pay a significantly higher premium as they are individual rated (some limits apply).
  • Small group plans are required to cover the 10 Essential Health Benefits, including pediatric dental and vision.
  • Small group plans are required to meet specified actuarial values +/- 2 percent (60%, 70%, 80%, or 90%, also referred to as the metal tiers), whereas large group plans can provide any actuarial value as long as they meet the minimum value of 60% requirement.


Action Items for Employers with 51-100 Employees:

  • Evaluate your plan  options in 2015.
  • Consider an Early Renewal option.
  • Market alternative carriers for 11/1 or 12/1/15 effective dates or extended renewal periods.
  • Compare current composite rates to age-banded, member-level rates in 2015 to see how the new rating will impact your company.
  • If you are an employer with 50 or more full-time equivalent and do not currently have coverage, evaluate your plan with a 2015 effective date versus age-banded rates in small group.


Please contact MNJ Insurance Solutions at (714) 716-4303 for more information.


This content is provided for informational purposes only.  While we have attempted to provide current, accurate and clearly expressed information, this information is provided “as is” and MNJ Insurance Solutions makes no representations or warranties regarding its accuracy  and completeness.  The information provided should not be construed as legal or tax advice or as a recommendation of any kind.  External users should seek professional advice form their own attorneys and tax and benefit plan advisers with respect to their individual circumstances and needs.

Reporting Requirements for Applicable Large Employers: Section 6055 and 6056


The Affordable Care Act added Section 6055 and 6056 which requires Applicable Large Employers (ALEs) to file returns with the IRS and provide statements to their full-time employees regarding the health insurance coverage offered by the employer.  For calendar year 2015, ALE must file the Section 6055 and 6056 returns on or before February 29 (March 31, if filed electronically) of 2016A statement to all full-time employees must be furnished by January 31 of each year following the calendar year.

  •  Section 6055 requires health insurers, certain employers, and others that provide Minimum Essential Coverage to individuals must report to the IRS information about the type and period of coverage, and must furnish the information in statements to covered individuals.
  • Section 6056 requires employers with 50+ FTE to report to the IRS information about the health coverage, if any, they offered to FT employees. Section 6056 also requires employers to furnish related statements to employees.


Who is an Applicable Large Employer?

  • An employer with 50 or more full-time equivalent (FTE) employees on average of business days during the preceding calendar year.

–Full-time employees: Employees working 30 or more hours per week.

–Part-time employees FTE calculation: Add all the hours worked per month by PT employees, but not more than 120 hours per employee, and divide by 120.

  • NOTE: Aggregation (control group) rules apply
  • NOTE: Reporting obligations are the responsibility of each ALE group, and you must disclose if you are part of a control group and identify the other group/members.


Penalties for non-compliance:

  • $100 for failure with IRS ($1.5M maximum)
  • $100 for failure to provide statement to employees ($1.5M maximum)
  • Example: Employer fails to report a FT employee and does not provide a statement to the employee: $200 penalty.
  • Penalty relief is available for 2015 if an employer can show good faith efforts to comply


These reporting requirements can be overwhelming for many employers.  We have solutions and resources for these services that we can provide you, as your Trusted Advisor and Broker of Record.  Please contact MNJ Insurance Solutions for more information at (714) 716-4303.


Other Resources:

Questions and Answers on Information Reporting by Health Coverage Providers (Section 6055) – IRS website

Questions and Answers on Reporting of Offers of Health Insurance Coverage by Employers (Section 6056) – IRS website


This content is provided for informational purposes only.  While we have attempted to provide current, accurate and clearly expressed information, this information is provided “as is” and MNJ Insurance Solutions makes no representations or warranties regarding its accuracy  and completeness.  The information provided should not be construed as legal or tax advice or as a recommendation of any kind.  External users should seek professional advice form their own attorneys and tax and benefit plan advisers with respect to their individual circumstances and needs.

What is “Affordable” Coverage under Health Care Reform?

Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the employer-provided coverage must be “Affordable,” so that Applicable Large Employers avoid penalties under the “Pay or Play” rules. Affordability will be determined by whether the coverage offered costs an employer more than 9.5% of their annual household income.  Since there is no practical way for an…

Department of Labor Releases New FMLA Forms: May 2015

Over the Memorial Day holiday weekend, the Department of Labor published new FMLA forms. The new forms are good through May 2018.

Download the new forms:


This content is provided for informational purposes only.  While we have attempted to provide current, accurate and clearly expressed information, this information is provided “as is” and MNJ Insurance Solutions makes no representations or warranties regarding its accuracy  and completeness.  The information provided should not be construed as legal or tax advice or as a recommendation of any kind.  External users should seek professional advice form their own attorneys and tax and benefit plan advisers with respect to their individual circumstances and needs.

What is the Difference between Federal COBRA and Cal-COBRA?

When an employer offers a group health insurance plan, such as medical, dental, or vision insurance, the employee and covered dependents (“Qualified Beneficiaries”) are provided an opportunity to continue their current plan at the individual/family’s expense when they have a qualifying event. Qualified events may include termination or reduction of hours of the covered employee’s employment for other than gross misconduct; divorce or legal separation from a covered employee; the loss of dependent status by overage dependent; the covered employee becomes eligible for Medicare; or the death of the covered employee. The continuation of group coverage option is known as either “Federal COBRA” or “Cal-COBRA.”


Listed below are some highlights of Federal COBRA vs. Cal-COBRA:


  Federal COBRA Cal-COBRA
Employer size 20 or more employees more than 50% of the previous calendar year 2-19 employees
Who is eligible? Covered Individual and covered spouse/dependents at the time of the qualifying event Covered Individual and covered spouse/dependents at the time of the qualifying event
Who sends the COBRA Notice to the individual and qualified beneficiaries? Either the employer or a third-party administrator sends the COBRA notice within 30 days of the qualifying event. Employer must notify the insurance carrier and the carrier is responsible for sending out the Cal-COBRA notifications to the individual and qualified beneficiaries.
How long do they have to elect the COBRA/Cal-COBRA coverage? Employee and/or qualified beneficiary must elect coverage within 60 days of the qualifying event. Employee and/or qualified beneficiary must elect coverage within 60 days of the qualifying event.
How much does it cost to continue coverage? Cost is 102% of the regular premium for 18 months.NOTE: premium may change within that period, depending on plan year and renewal rates with insurance carriers. Cost is 110% of the regular premium for 18 months.NOTE: premium may change within that period, depending on plan year and renewal rates with insurance carriers.
Duration of Coverage Continuation Generally extends health coverage for 18 months. Individuals with certain qualifying events may be eligible for a longer extension (i.e. 29 or 36 months). Cal-COBRA allows individuals to continue their group coverage for up to 36 months. For individuals covered under Federal COBRA, Cal-COBRA may also be used to extend health coverage for a combined period of up to 36 months.


We typically recommend that employers with 20 or more employees outsource the COBRA administration to one of our preferred third-party administrators (TPA), as COBRA requires a number of plan notifications to take place at different stages in the COBRA process. Some of the notifications include:


The other option for Insurance coverage for individuals and qualified beneficiaries may be to elect Individual coverage, either “on” or “off-Exchange” plans, providing it is within their “Special Enrollment” period. If it is not “open enrollment” for individual coverage for on or off-Exchange plan and they had a qualifying event (as seen above), then they have up to 60 days to enroll under the special enrollment period. See blog post:   Help…I lost my job…Should I take COBRA or Covered California (Exchange)?


For more information, please do not hesitate to contact MNJ Insurance Solutions at (714) 716-4303.


Additional COBRA Information:


This material is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advise.  You should always contact your attorney to determine if this interpretation is appropriate for your particular situation.

Help…I Lost my Job…Should I Take COBRA or an Individual Policy?

COBRA is a federal law that requires employers of 20 or more employees with group health plans to offer employees, their spouse and dependents a temporary period of continued health care coverage if they lose coverage through the employer’s group health plan.  Employers who have not continuously had 20 employees are covered if they had at least 20 employees on more than 50% of  the typical business day in the previous calendar year.  Both full-time and part-time employees are counted to determine whether the plan is subject to COBRA.


Individuals are not obligated to participate in COBRA after leaving an employer or having a reduction in hours.  However, if an individual declines the initial offer of COBRA, he/she may qualify for “special enrollment” in Covered California health insurance or an “off-exchange plan” outside of the annual Open Enrollment period for Individual/Family coverage.  An “off-exchange plan” are plans that are offered by the carrier direct, rather than through Covered California.  In order t take advantage of the special enrollment in Covered California or “off-exchange plan,” the individual/family losing group coverage must apply for coverage no later than 60 days after their employer-sponsored plan ends.  It is also important to note that if an individual were to terminate their COBRA coverage during Open Enrollment of Covered California or elect an off-exchange plan, he/she cannot change their mind to go back to COBRA.


If an individual were to elect COBRA and loses his/her coverage (i.e. due to non-payment), he/she will NOT be eligible for special enrollment through Covered California, nor opt to an off-exchange individual plan at that time.  Outside of Open Enrollment, individuals qualify for special enrollment with Covered California or off-exchange individual plans if one of the following apply:

  • If former employer was responsible for remitting payments for the COBRA premium and fails to do so in a timely manner, therefore participant is cancelled due to group non-payment;
  • The COBRA participant moves out of the plan coverage area and there is not another option available (i.e. former employer offers HMO only plan and COBRA participant moves out of state and the HMO would no longer be a good option);
  • If the former employer cancels the group plan, therefore, COBRA is no longer available; or
  • The beneficiary has maximized their COBRA duration available under the plan.


Listed below are pros and cons of Electing COBRA vs. Enrolling in Covered California after an individual and qualified beneficiaries have had a qualifying event.


  • The network of doctors and hospitals available in each plan and individual can continue the current benefits.
  • Covers more Rx than individual plans.
  • Transition and electing COBRA is typically an easier process than enrolling in Covered California.
  • If you are currently seeking treatment or under the care of a physician, it is easier to continue care under COBRA.
  • The total monthly premiums for the individual and qualified beneficiaries (family members previously enrolled on the plans) are paid by individual.
  • If the individual and qualified beneficiaries enrolled in COBRA, they cannot drop their COBRA plan and enroll in Covered California plan unless it is Open Enrollment for Covered California.
  • Depending on the level of benefits previously provided by the employer, the COBRA monthly premiums may be more expensive than desired coverage through Covered California (i.e. if employee or dependents may not need the rich covered previously offered by the employer).


  • Depending on income, the individual and qualified beneficiaries may qualify for tax credit and/or subsidy (depends on household income – chart for 2015) with Covered California.
  • Copays and deductibles may vary with options for Covered California or “off-exchange plans.”
  • Individual has options to move to another carrier (plans for 2015) than what may be provided through their former employer.


  •  Doctors and hospitals may not be in the network for the Covered California or “off-exchange” plan option.  It is important to confirm preferred doctors before selecting a plan to ensure they are in the network.
  • Prescription plans offered through Covered California individual plans or “off-exchange” plans often cover a smaller list of formulary drugs than group plans.


Note: If you have a qualifying event, your spouse has other group coverage offered through his/her employer, you may also want to explore adding onto their group plan as an additional alternative.  If this is an option through his/her employer, it must be done within 30 days of the loss of coverage.

If you have questions regarding your personal situation, MNJ Insurance Solutions are able to assist and can be reached at (714) 716-4303.


More Resources:

COBRA vs. Exchange Coverage – Covered CA


Disclaimer:  The views and opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Covered California.  Any content provided by our bloggers or author is of their opinion and are not intended to malign any organization, company, government entity, anyone or anything.

This document is for general information only.  While we have attempted to provide current, accurate and clearly expressed information, this information is provided “as is” and MNJ Insurance Solutions makes no representations or warranties regarding its accuracy or completeness.  The information provided should not be construed as legal or tax advice or as a recommendation of any kind.  External users should seek professional advice from their own attorneys and tax advisors with respect to their individual circumstances.

HSA, HRA, or FSA…What is the Difference?


Health care accounts are not all created equal. That’s why you need an experienced, trusted adviser to help you understand health care accounts. MNJ Insurance Solutions is here to help you understand the complex, and sometimes confusing, health care accounts and their acronyms, like HSAs, HRAs, and FSAs, so you can make an informed decision about the type of health plan and corresponding health account that is right for you.

Below is a chart to help compare Health Savings Accounts (HSA), Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRA), and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) and highlight their differences in benefits.

  Health Savings Account (HSA) Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) Flexible Spending Account (FSA)
Account definitions A tax-advantaged account used to pay for qualified medical expenses of the account holder, spouse, and/or dependents. An employer-funded arrangement used to reimburse employees for out-of-pocket qualified medical expenses. An employer-established and optional tax-advantaged account funded by the employee to pay for qualified medical expenses with pre-taxed dollars.
Who can open the account? The employee or employer as long as the employee is enrolled in an HSA-compatible health plan. The employer. The employer.
Who can contribute? Employers, employee/account holder, or any third party, IF the employee has a HSA-compatible health plan. The employer. The employee.
Who owns the account? The employee/account holder. The employer. The employee, but unused account balances revert back to the employer at the end of the plan year.
Is there an annual contribution limit? In 2013, limits are $3,250 and $6,450, respectively. See HSA limits per applicable year. Yes, as determined by the employer’s plan design. Yes, as determined by the employer’s plan design, and subject to maximums redefined by ACA.
Do unused funds carry over to the next year? Yes. Possibly, as determined by employer’s plan design. Possibly, if the plan document includes the rollover provision.   See your Section 125 FSA Summary Plan Description for more details.
Can you take the account funds with you if you change jobs, change health plans, or retire? Yes. No. Section 125 FSA plans are a COBRA eligible benefit.   Therefore, an employee may opt to take COBRA for the unused benefits for the duration allowed.
Can you use the account for retirement income? Yes, after age 65, you can withdraw funds for any reason with no penalty. Although, if not used for qualified medical expenses, withdrawals will be taxed as income and an excise tax will be applied. No. No.
Is the account tax advantaged? Yes, account holders contribute tax-free, any interest or investment gains are tax-free, and when used for qualified expense, you withdrawals are tax-free. No. Yes, employees’ contributions are made through pre-taxed payroll deductions.
Can the account earn interest? Yes, and after the account balance reaches a minimum balance requirement (typically $2,000), you can invest in funds available with your HSA third-party administrator and any gains are also tax-free. No. No.
Can the account reduce the out-of-pocket health care expenses of the account holder? Yes. Yes. Yes.

Additional Information Resource:

ACA impact on health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs)


If you have any questions or would like to further explore HSA, HRA, and/or FSA options for your company, please contact MNJ Insurance Solutions at (714) 716-4303.


This content is provided for informational purposes only.  While we have attempted to provide current, accurate and clearly expressed information, this information is provided “as is” and MNJ Insurance Solutions makes no representations or warranties regarding its accuracy  and completeness.  The information provided should not be construed as legal or tax advice or as a recommendation of any kind.  External users should seek professional advice form their own attorneys and tax and benefit plan advisers with respect to their individual circumstances and needs.

Draft Instructions and REVISED Draft 2015 Forms for IRS Reporting Requirements: August 7, 2015

On August 7, 2015, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released draft instructions and revised draft 1095-B and 1095-C forms to be used for Affordable Care Act (ACA) Minimum Essential Coverage (MEC) and Large Employer reporting in 2016. The IRS has posted the 2015 draft instructions and forms at as information only, and will post final versions at a later date.

The revised 2015 draft forms are generally unchanged from the versions released on June 19, 2015. However, the IRS made several changes to the 2014 final instructions, including:

  • “B” form instructions for applicable large employers – The draft instructions for forms 1094-B and 1095-B now allow applicable large employers (ALEs) the option to use the “B” forms to report coverage of individuals who are not considered full-time employees for any month during the calendar year.
  • “C” form instructions for applicable large employers – The draft instructions for forms 1094-C and 1095-C require that ALEs continue to report all employees enrolled in self-insured coverage on the “C” forms – as part of MEC reporting.
  • 30-day extension for IRS filing – An automatic extension is granted if Form 8809 is submitted to the IRS on or before the filing due date.
  • 30-day extension for providing forms to individuals – An extension may be granted by submitting a letter to the IRS on or before the due date for providing forms to individuals.
  • Details on how to file corrected forms – The draft instructions include details on filing corrected paper returns. Information on electronic filing corrections can be found on IRS Publication 5125.
  • Hand delivery – Both sets of reporting may be hand delivered to individuals.
  • Reporting supplemental coverage – The definition of a “plan sponsor” has been clarified for the purpose of reporting supplemental coverage by the same reporting entity as the health plan sponsor.
  • Reporting coverage offered under multiemployer plans – Simplified reporting now available for reporting offers of coverage for employers with multiemployer arrangements that qualify for relief.
  • Reporting on COBRA participants – Clarifications on how to report COBRA participants.

For more information on the final rules on this IRS information reporting, please read  Reporting Requirements Fact Sheet.

Draft Instructions and Forms:

Instructions for Forms 1094-C and 1095-C

Form 1094-C – Transmittal/“cover sheet” for Large Employer and self-insured MEC reporting (applicable large employers)

Form 1095-C – Report to individuals and the IRS information on coverage offered and self-insured MEC (applicable large employers)

Instructions for Forms 1094-B and 1095-B

Form 1094-B – Transmittal/“cover sheet” for MEC reporting (insurance carriers and self-insured small group employers)

Form 1095-B – Report to individuals and the IRS information on MEC (insurance carriers and self-insured small group employers)


We will keep you informed when instructions and revised or final forms are made available.


This content is provided for informational purposes only.  While we have attempted to provide current, accurate and clearly expressed information, this information is provided “as is” and MNJ Insurance Solutions makes no representations or warranties regarding its accuracy  and completeness.  The information provided should not be construed as legal or tax advice or as a recommendation of any kind.  External users should seek professional advice form their own attorneys and tax and benefit plan advisers with respect to their individual circumstances and needs.