Articles, News and Information
“To Grandmother or Not to Grandmother…That is the Question!”
Now that SB 1446, “Grandmothering” bill has been signed, it allows small employers (50 or fewer employees) with non-grandfathered health insurance policies in effect as of December 31, 2013, the option to renew their existing coverage for one year, rather than be required to move to 2014 ACA compliant plans. Did you know that…
Grandmothering Bill Signed (SB 1446): July 7, 2014
California Senate Bill 1446 (“SB 1446″) was signed by Governor Brown on July 7, 2014, to provide some small employers with non-grandfathered health insurance plans in effect as of December 31, 2013, the option to renew their existing coverage for one year, rather than be required to move to new ACA-compliant coverage by the end of 2014. …
COBRA Notices Updated by DOL: May 2, 2014
Did you know that on May 2, 2014, the Department of Labor (DOL) issued updates to the Model General Notice and COBRA Election Notice? Are you confident that you are providing the correct notices in a timely manner to your eligible employees and qualified beneficiaries? The Obama administration announced updates to model notices that employers…
Health Care Reform: The Individual Mandate
Under the Affordable Care Act, the individual mandate requires all citizens and legal residents of the United States to have “minimum essential coverage” insurance b y January 1, 2014. People who do not have qualified health insurance or government health plan, like Medicare or Medicaid, must obtain health insurance or pay a penalty tax called…
The YouToons Get Ready for Obamacare
I am sure you will agree that the Kaiser Family Foundation did an excellent job with this short video summary of PPACA and what is yet to come. Please contact us at MNJ Insurance Solutions at (714) 716-4303 if you have any questions or if you would like assistance with your health insurance needs.…
Understanding the Metal Levels in the Affordable Care Act (“ACA”)
With so many options to consider in small group employer plans, deciding on the best health care plan can be confusing. The affordable care act has made many changes to how the carriers create their plan designs. The insurance plans now use the following category levels: bronze, silver, gold, or platinum, based on how they…