
COVID-19 National and Public Health Emergencies Will Terminate May 11, 2023

While California’s COVID-19 state of emergency ended on February 28, 2023, the national COVID-19 Public Health Emergency is still active and will terminate on May 11, 2023. Consumers impacted by the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency may qualify for Special Enrollment using the “Public Health Emergency” Qualifying Life Event to enroll and make changes to their coverage.

The Department of Labor’s Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) is committed to working with employers and other plan sponsors to ensure a smooth transition as the federal government unwinds some of the policies that have been in place during the COVID-19 public health emergency and National Emergency. To partner with you through this process, the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and the Treasury issued guidance today in an effort to ensure that workers and their families are aware of any changes that may be coming their way:


As a reminder, states that administer Medicaid, such as Medi-Cal in California, were prohibited from terminating a beneficiary’s enrollment during the national COVID Public Health Emergency unless they moved out of state, became deceased, or the beneficiary requested a voluntary termination of eligibility. Beginning as of April 1, 2023, the Department of Health Care Services will begin to “unwind” this policy and resume its annual eligibility review process for members enrolled in Medi-Cal, which could possible result in a beneficiary being determined no longer eligible for Medi-Cal.  This would allow eligible individuals to enroll in a qualified health plan and possibly gain eligibility for advanced premium tax credits with a July 1, 2023 effective date.  The other option for members who lose eligibility with Medi-Cal is they could enroll in their employer group plan (if they meet the employer’s eligibility requirements), as this is a qualifying life event.  Please reference Covered California’s Public Health Emergency & Medi-Cal to Marketplace Automatic Enrollment Program Toolkit for additional program information and support materials.


If you have any questions or would like more information, please reach out to MNJ Insurance Solutions.


This summary is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal or a recommendation of any kind. While we have attempted to provide current, accurate, and clearly expressed information, this information is provided “as is,” and MNJ Insurance Solutions makes no representations or warranties regarding its accuracy and completeness.

President Trump Announces National Guidelines to Limit Coronavirus Spread

On Monday, March 16, 2020, President Trump held a news conference to reinforce guidelines intended to slow the spread of COVID-19. He asked Americans to follow the guidelines for the next 15 days:

  • President Trump and his advisors now say to avoid social gatherings and if needed, limit gatherings to under 10 people (down from the “under 50 people” recommendation days earlier).
  • Trump emphasized the importance of self-isolation during this critical time. It was recommended children should be schooled at home, and employees should work from home.
  • Continue to wash your hands, cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing, and create social distancing of 6-feet.

This isolation strategy will hopefully contain individuals who may be carrying the virus and are not aware of it. The administration acknowledged the prevalence of young, healthy individuals without severe symptoms have been unknowingly spreading COVID-19 and want to prevent further spread of the virus.

Unfortunately, no one can be certain how long this pandemic will last. When prompted, Trump suggested the virus may “wash through” the country by July or August, if the administration’s proposed guidelines are followed.

Stay tuned for more updates from MNJ Insurance Solutions about this ongoing pandemic.

Practical Tips for Employers & Employees: Coronavirus Pandemic

In uncertain times such as these, employees are looking for guidance wherever they can find it. Listed below are practical tips Employers can help calm some of their employees’ fears by taking the following actions:

  • Communicate the future of the business with employees in meetings, on the company intranet site, in newsletters.
  • Educate employees that there are cyber criminals that may prey on individuals during times of panic and hardship.  Be careful of cyber scams.
  • Be empathetic in your communications, as every employee’s situation may be different.


In these uncertain times, it’s imperative that you communicate your business’ plans as frequently as possible. While it is impossible to control the pandemic, it is possible for you to help ease the stress your employees are experiencing.

For additional employee communications or resources regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, contact MNJ Insurance Solutions.